The Cons of technology in the classroom

Not enough people time. Young children especially under the age of 2 need as much people time as possible.  They learn by example and by waiting other people do things.  They need one on one time with other adults and not to be watching tv or on screens.  Children learn social skills by interacting with other people and adults and seeing the reaction they make when they are doing different things to them, which is an example of cause and effect. For example when a toddler throws a ball to someone or at someone they see the effect of other person either catching the ball or getting hit by the ball.

Children need as much hands on time as they can.  Computers and technology do not give kids this opportunity.  They are not going to learn how to throw a ball by watching a video or seeing pictures of it done, they need to go out and actually get the opportunity to throw the ball to someone and have other people throw the ball back to them.


Childhood obesity is at an uprise in the United states right now.  So putting our children in front of a computer and letting them play games online or letting them watch TV is actually contributing to this problem.  Children need to be more active and get off of the computer or other video games.  They need to be outside playing with each other and running around.  Big body play is also a good way for children to get their energy out and also get as much exercise they can in.

Children under the age of 2 should not watch Tv or have any kind of screen time.  They need more hands on time and Screens over stimulate a toddler’s brain.  Many parents hand their toddler their cell phone or other types of electronics when they need a break or their child wont stop crying or being loud.  They are actually do more harm to a child’s brain then they realize they are doing.  Technology is over stimulating to the brain with all the flashing lights that adults don’t even realize is there.  Young children need more time playing with blocks and doing physical activity and having one on one time with other kids and with adults.

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Educational games and Technology, the pros..

Children who play educational games online and on the computer, teach the child hand -eye cordintation. As children fallow visual instructions on the computer, they touch the right icon and then something exciting pops up to show them they got it right make learning fun and educational.  Writing and drawing on the computer are great examples of the way kids learn hand-eye cordinaiton on the computer.

Technology helps preschools improve language skills.  By reading ebooks or accessing stories online.  Many books and online stories the children actually have different things to do to keep the children engaged in the story .  Many types of language development technology offer multisensory engagement, which offers speed and support to the learning process.

Children learning technology early also have higher capacity for visual attention.  They learn to pay attention to the game or whatever they are doing online for longer periods of times, this helps with their attention span when it comes to being ready for school and ready for other things that need to have longer attention spans.

Computers and tablets also enhance social skills with kids.  Kids play on tablets and computers together, this helps with social interacting and with kids learning to work together and to problem solve together. This also helps kids want to complete the tasks and gives them motivation to stay on the same task for longer periods of times when working with a friend.  It is fun and educational.

Technology also helps children with problem solving.  Making it fun to figure out the correct answer or how to do something they can’t figure out.  They soon realize the more they practice at something the sooner they will learn how to do it.  Children are interested in short term goals and they will be able to learn new things all of the time.




A little more research

There is no question that every child will need to learn how to use a computer and how to use technology to their advantage.  The real question is when to introduce a child to computers and to technology. How soon is too soon, and when is it to late?  These are a couple of questions people are asking themselves.  Computers teach children Fine motor, hand-eye coordination, and also cause and effect.  The touching of buttons, pushing the right button to make what ever it is they want to happen.  When they push the right button and something pops up for example if they are playing a color game and they pick the correct color and it blows up to show them they have picked the right color.  The kids love this.  However on the other side of this a couple big cons would be that children need more people time and one on one time with actual people.  Computers and technology should never take the place of children interacting with other people.  All the bright lights and movements is over stimulating to a child and to their brain. Children need to get up and go play outside and do more big body play rather than sit on a computer and play games all day.   A child can and will learn far more playing with other kids or adults then playing games on the computer.   Also the

toddler on laptop

There are effective ways to use a computer in the classroom.  A child can learn many things though a computer and learning technology if done in the correct way.  A teacher needs to be intentional on what they are teaching the children with the computer.  They are different kinds of literacy you can teach a child on the computer.  A number of different kind of books where the computer will read it to them and they can do different interactive games on the computer to help them understand the concept better.  There are also different kinds of games to teach children letters and colors and makes them excited to learn and play the game especially when they are playing a game where there is different things that happen when they get the question correct.  Kids to adults everyone will need to know how to use a computer and different technology so it is young children’s teachers job to help introduce different technologies and computers to the children in an appropriate way.

Children spend far too much time in front of screens also known as screen time. On average a child under the age of two spends about 1 to 2 hours a day watching tv or watching a screen of some kind.  3 to 4 years old spend about 32 hours a week in front of screens.  42 percent of children age birth to 8 have access to smart phones, tablets, or other kids of take along technology. Many parents admit to using screens of some kinds as distractions “baby sitters” with their children so they can get things done.  For children under the age of 2 screen time and TV are causing speech delays.  The more time children spend watching tv or on other screens the less time they have to interact with other people and with other adults.


Questions of preschool and computers

Many parents believe that putting a child in front of a computer and having them learn to use the computer at the earliest age is the because computers and technology is in everyone’s future, but is this healthy for a child’s brain? This is one of the questions that I am going to be researching.

Computers in Preschool: Hurting or Helping?

What is the most Effective way to use a computer with preschools.  How effective are computers with young children?  This is another question I will be researching to find out how I can integrate computers into the classroom in an effective way and still make sure they are getting everything else they need and that letting the preschoolers use computers isn’t going to hurt their brain in any way but help them.

Are educational games on iPods, phones, and tablets actually teaching our children anything? I looked into this a little bit but haven’t completely did my research on it yet and I found that some of them are educational and do help children to learn along with them learning technology. The kids can’t just zone out and the screen they have to interact and swipe things with their fingers and push different “buttons” on the screen.

A young girl playing with an iPad.

How does TV effect your child? The good and the bad in children watching tv. I want to look into this more however what I have found so far is that no child under the age of 2 should ever be put in front of a TV. TV takes away from other activities where they have actual direct contact with other people.  Many things a child needs to learn such as language, creativity, motor, and social skills they will not be able to learn by watching tv.

What are the Pros and Cons of Technoloy in early years

I am researching the pros and cons of Technology in the early years of children.  I want to know everything there is to know on putting a child in front of a computer and what affects it will have on a child. I also want to know about letting children sit in front of a TV and watch it for a few minutes or hours and what lasting effect it will have on them. Playing on tablets as a young child if that is healthy for their brain and if the education games on the tablets are actually teaching the children anything or if it is doing more damage to their brain than anything.

The use of computers and Technology in early childhood programs is beginning to rise in early childhood programs. Family childcare settings however have the least amount of computers and the use of technology in their programs however most of childcare programs director does use some type of computer for their book keeping, and other childcare relating tasks.  One of the pros to teaching young children to learn how to use the computer is that technology is their future and so introducing it to them a little bit as a young child will help them in the long run.

Children using technology in the classroom

Many educators and parents are trying to figure out a happy medium of integrating technology into the classroom but not over doing it and giving the kids too much screen time and enough unstructured play time in classroom. The biggest factor is that children can learn literacy using their computer or their tablet however this is not saying it is ok to put your child in front of the tv and give them meaningless screen time that their brain will shut down and they will just be in trans watching the tv and not be learning anything.

Technology in early childhood education

Technology should only be used when it is appropriate for the age of the child and not as a babysitter.  Under the age of two screen time should not be used as there is many other things that the child would benefit from doing. From age 3 to 5 technology should only be used when the child is able to do it with open ended exploration. Meaning there is no right or wrong answer and they can look at and discover what they want to discover. From ages 5 to 8 they are moving forward and are able to start researching more and using technology to start getting answers to there question.